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Dear God, Please Give Me A New Heart

The reality of the broken human condition

What leads to real change?

Can you have significant change in your life without brokenness?

The more I realize my own brokenness….

…the more humility I have

…the more sensitivity and love/care I have for others.

Something is changed inside of me when I better understand the reality of my broken condition.

After Israel’s repeated failure of following God’s laws, Moses recognizes the broken human condition and that the human heart would need to go under some fundamental transformation…some healing.

The narrative of The Law (first 5 books of the Bible) is pointing out that Israel did not, and is not capable of keeping the Law. Humans need something more than just to be told what to do….because that obviously wasn’t working!

Moses, when speaking to Israel at the end of Deuteronomy, basically says, “Your hearts are hard..and you need God to give you a new, transformed heart.”

Moses predicts their failure but offers some hope.

Moses basically tells Israel, “After you go into exile, God will be faithful, and one day He will change the hearts of His people…so that you can love Him and follow Him.”

The Law is fundamentally a story about how God is creating new kinds of people who are fully able to love God and love others. When Jesus taught about the Torah (The Law) He said that He was bringing that story to its fulfillment.

-Tim Mackie

What does this all mean?

The human condition is broken.

I’m broken.

How do I change? I need a new heart – that only comes from Jesus.


One comment on “Dear God, Please Give Me A New Heart

  • Richard Breece
    February 11, 2017 | 6:42 am

    This is great Isaiah. It reminds me of Luke 12:34- For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    I need to wake up every day and remember where my treasure is. When we put our focus on the treasure God has provided us, and have a thankful heart, we can be transformed and be effective Christians.

    Thanks for a great blog.

    Thanks for the

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