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Read Your Bible And Pray. Every. Single. Day.

An Old Testament Clue Into Developing Intimacy

God’s Word is alive. Real. Powerful.

However, I’m forgetful. Extremely forgetful.

Sometimes I feel like my spiritual portion is like the mana God provided Israel in the wilderness. It’s only good for a day.

When I’m not reading God’s Word and praying, I’m a lost sheep with a broken compass.

But maybe that’s the beauty of it.

Maybe God designed it that way so that we’d have a real relationship with Him.

A true, fruit-bearing relationship requires frequent communication.

Without it, there’s no intimacy.

“Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you,” Peter declared (1 Peter 5:7). The Greek word translated “cast” literally means “to roll.”

The problem is, I roll my cares upon God and feel better. But when they roll back my way again, my cares, anxiety, and stress return. So I roll them back on Him. Then, after a day or two, my care returns.

Why does this happen? I suggest it is for the same reason I like to play catch with my son. I like to play catch with him not because I like to play catch, but because I like to be with him.

Sometimes that’s how it is in prayer.

We roll our cares on God and He rolls them back to us so that we can roll them back to Him.

Why? Because He likes spending time with us. And sometimes, it seems the only time we touch base with Him is when we “play catch.”

-Jon Courson

Read your Bible

…and pray (play catch with the Lord)

Every. Single. Day.

2 comment on “Read Your Bible And Pray. Every. Single. Day.

  • JD Smith
    February 11, 2017 | 3:19 am

    Love that! Isn’t that true? I am not smart or clever. When I rest in the finished work that He accomplished for me I seem to enjoy life. While I’m resting the devil works hard to get me back in the ring to fight him and he is already defeated. Jesus loves us more than our willingness to be loved. The hardest part for me was to let Jesus die for me. Let him carry me. Like the lost sheep!! What part did that sheep play in getting saved but to allow itself to be carried. Be encouraged! Lord knows I need it! LOL

  • Karrson Koivisto
    February 11, 2017 | 2:32 pm

    Good word. I think what you wrote about mana is spot-on. It’s only good for a day by intent — that we would HAVE to stay in frequent contact with him.

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